(Last updated 10/13/2019)
Other updates are continuously posted to our posts page

Lux ex Tenebris

Lux ex Tenebris is a Latin expression meaning  light from darkness. Since ancient times knowledge is equated with light and truth, in a conflict with darkness, deceit and ignorance. There are related variations to the expression such as Fiat lux: let there be light, Lux et Veritas: light and the truth, and Lux Libertas: light and liberty.

Statute of Liberty is a great embodiment of truth, liberty and justice which are essential elements of any democracy.

Light and Love

This endeavor is about preventing harm, redress and closure for victims and others indirectly impacted.

As cliché as it may sound, it is about truth, justice, accountability not for sake of the abstract ideas, revenge or hate of bad but for love of good people, values, country and humanity on a small or large scale.

What – in a Nutshell

We are doing something good and making a difference by putting an end to serious harm through raising awareness, digging for the truth and putting together the big picture, solving some crimes and curious mysteries to address a recurring systemic problem that has been fueled by hate, greed and ego.

What happened is a series of activities by Seattle federal agents and their management triggered a cascading series of significant incidents and harm in Canada and U.S., and which they concealed from the their own colleagues, agencies and the Department of Justice through a web of false narratives (i.e. made up stories) to avoid exposure, continue and expand their activities.

Evidence has emerged to expose activities with a modus operandi that includes entangling networks of national and multinational people, groups and entities, and triggering or generating crisis to justify and expand operations with broad and sweeping mandates to advance and serve political, personal or career agendas including control, collecting intelligence and justifying bogus or agenda driven investigations.

Over time, the narratives grew and multiplied, dragged in more innocent people and parties, including government agencies and the DOJ.

Even as of 2019, this modus operandi seems to have become standard operating procedure and too self-serving to let go without intervention, disruption and closure.

The problems are the continuous and intertwined nature of narratives, interests, and people have and still pose risks including actual harm until the full extent of the past and potential future injury is discovered, the trend is stopped, and the responsible are held accountable. (a 3 minute read overview section follows below)

Our goals are to answer lingering questions, raise awareness, inform and educate impacted people and the public, identify challenges and obstacles, help solve remaining mysteries and cases, and persuade the government to address crimes, constitutional and civil rights violations.

Challenges are inherent and expected since the allegations are serious and involve officials, cross-border activities and people. There were resistance and various tactics in the past including influencing outcomes, discrediting, intimidation, and threats. Current awareness and transparency has expanded the audience and incentives to deter bullying tactics.

As will become evident below, some of the tasks must be performed by legal professionals. For example, there is reason to believe that approaching the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the DOJ may be a better and more expedient option than Freedom of Information requests or legal action to compel disclosure. Either course requires legal expertise and familiarity with government processes, individual and public rights which we are looking for.

A fundamental legal and practical consideration and dilemma is who to approach to ensure impartiality and freedom from fear in decision making. Given the history, who in the DOJ and FBI hierarchy, and in what office can without pressure, bias and peace of mind, address involvement of federal agents in assaults, shootings, obstruction and ensuing deaths, including overlaps, circumstances and links to the murder of a U.S. Attorney?

Progress & Status

Thousands of hours of work, over years, have generated progress by unearthing and compiling a significant amount of information including individual experiences and observations, leads through confidential networks, court documents, media reports and analysis.

The program started as a personal project and grew when more information on the extent and involvement of parties became known. Along with safety concerns, lack of information and dead-end analysis with valid competing hypothesis resulted in periods of inactivity. There have been recent breakthroughs since 2016 and 2017.

The knowledge gleaned from the analysis of information is not complete and we still need to obtain key information from government entities and private sources.

The current project queue is listed below and updates are continuously posted to our posts page.

Who is Affected?

At the individual level, many people have suffered physically, mentally, emotionally and financially as direct or indirect victims and their legal and constitutional rights have been violated.

For all potential future victims, there is more urgency since the harms are preventable.

Government agencies, the judicial system, and good people in those institutions are also victims when a few grossly abuse their positions of trust and authority.

Collectively, society looses every time its resources are diverted, wasted, its foundations attacked from inside, and civilized discourse is contaminated with distrust and division.

Ultimately, the issues are related to transparency, accountability and proper governance.

Brief Overview: 1990-Present

Links to the detailed Documents Page are provided at the bottom of this page and in the menus.

The initial triggers of the project go back to early 1990’s with high profile events and crimes in Canada and U.S. that remained unsolved, not prosecuted, and civil suits that were not continued, in a combination of bizarre events where culprits and witnesses disappeared, people were intimidated and the judicial system was manipulated. Over time and recently, new facts have emerged. They point to concerted attempts to create crisis and drag into conflict — ethnic, religious, high level and influence international groups and networks with no criminal links or issues — in a Helter-Skelter like manner. Furthermore, the responsible interests continued, and still engage in similar activities and methods.

In the late 90’s and 2000, new circumstances shed light on Seattle/Washington based rogue agents abusing their undercover roles with access to, and participation in criminal networks, and their supervisors as being key planners and players in the previous illegal cross-border activities in Canada and the U.S., with the potential to expose them to criminal and civil liabilities. The revelation was suppressed and was not passed on to agencies and DOJ due to safety and leak concerns of same parties intercepting and acting on the information.

Since early 90’s, to protect participants with criminal and civil liability exposure, their informants, operatives and operations, and who risked an international incident, ever expanding false narratives and actions ensued resulting in new and escalating incidents, and across border, country and international wild goose chases by other entities including law enforcement agencies and criminal groups.

Meanwhile more people including innocent civilians, agencies, the U.S. Attorneys Office and the DOJ also became victims to the false narratives constructed to protect misconduct.

In 2001, Thomas Wales, an Assistant United State Attorney in Seattle was murdered. The case started with bizarre treatment by D.C. DOJ and FBI headquarters and remains unsolved despite being of the highest priority, and has attracted criticism and allegations of political and high level interference to hamper the investigation. There are multiple overlaps and direct links between Wales and the above activities, individuals, and events, including he posing threat(s) to them and which were kept from the case investigators over time.

Starting around 2010 and through at least 2016, parallel cross-border activities took place, resulting from earlier false narratives and wild goose chases, using civilians and previous victims without informing them, and interfering with their rights in the process. There were infrequent hints without any further detail, confirmation or articulable legal authority. For example references to existence of investigations based on a foreign request, or recruiting assistance of civil case attorneys without the client’s consent or knowledge and influencing cases.

Coordinated efforts were also made to unnecessarily drag activities on, keep them at a stalemate and a state of non-resolution. Furthermore, to ensure that 90’s and 2000’s facts, connections and ongoing false narratives were not brought to light, people and risks of exposure of the narratives were isolated, intimidated, and the DOJ, agency hierarchies and judicial inquiries were kept in the dark.

Based on recent information, leads to Wales case were also further suppressed, not passed on to case investigators, and people were intimidated and dissuaded from doing so as late as 2017 – activities which are extremely disturbing and telling. This effort is addressing the past but also current and future harm in a broader set of contexts.

At minimum, a formal hypothesis establishing a relationship between Wales and this program’s subject matters, common histories, interests, elements and circumstances, is congruent and further validates the (obvious but previously suppressed) inability to arrive at any alternate hypothesis with 17 years of investigations and data that rejects it in a non-trivial professional analysis — which could not have been allowed to initiate or stand.

That is the benefit-of-the-doubt scenario of a standard investigative and analysis conclusion, with zero knowledge of his off-books efforts in unmasking the same parties and interests who had an abundance of relevant motives, means (training, professional skills and criminal elements under their influence, control and direction) and opportunities to kill him.

All of the above have transpired under the direction, participation, influence or with knowledge of some high level of federal law enforcement leadership in Seattle who also benefit from prolonged investigations, wild goose chases that never get solved and generated questionable leads only to expand and create more operations feeding into the same cycle.

The influence activities have continued in on form or another through present (2019) and include documented instances, known or identifiable confidential sources and operatives.

What has happened, and is happening is essentially no different than the past with same and similar excuses: slow walk to run the clock and statutes of limitations and deep-six while more harm is done, justice is delayed and denied.

Some Questions … not exhaustive

Who were the people in charge of the decisions that resulted in individual and public harm?

Have there been any investigations of people responsible for the initial conducts and subsequent misleading of investigations, the U.S. Attorneys office, the DOJ and the agencies? What is officially acknowledged and documented?

What is the status and whereabouts of people who were and are subject to criminal and civil liability and have incentive to cause harm? What stops them from doing so?

What triggered the activities between 2010 and 2017? Were there (also) foreign triggers (e.g. at minimum from Canada) as suggested by some, and where there have been factually established continuous interests and influences to interfere with exposure in the U.S.?

Under what authority were people used in stings without their knowledge and forewarning? What precautions were taken to ensure their safety?

Why were Wales leads not passed on and people intimidated from doing so? Which officials were responsible or suppressing the leads and causing the threats to be conveyed?

Given the unhinged series of behaviors over time, and the demonstrated comfort level by agent Lynn and his supervisors in handling any potential fallout at the US Attorneys’ office meeting in regards to he, other agents, supervisors, and AUSAs history and participation in Vancouver events:

  • What exactly did former AUSA Mark Bartlett know?
  • What exactly did former agent Patel and his supervisors know?
  • What was the purpose of engaging in the said intimidation in the context of obtaining a proffer and a grand jury investigation?
  • What exactly did AUSA Bartlett discuss with Lynn, IRS and FBI supervisors?
  • Was AUSA Bartlett ever approached or confronted by Thomas Wales?
  • Were agent Lynn, IRS and FBI supervisors approached or confronted by Thomas Wales

Sunlight as the Best Disinfectant

What has changed is an in-the-wilderness information problem or blessing. Because of this program’s counter-information efforts, exposing of false narratives, and increasing awareness, the current strategy of targets tilted from ignoring and discrediting to include more active containment, walling and preventing progress, counting on passage of time, loss of public interest, and exhaustion of resources.

Issues & Consequences of Indifference and Inaction

Safety and harm issues: without a clear idea of what, who, and measures to contain risk, there is no clear indication of when the next trigger will be set off by people, events or a combination, leading to more harm.

Accountability: without which there is no corrective action and implementation of future safeguards.

Government waste: use of resources to trigger and create crisis, and ensuing bogus operations diverts scarce social resources where they can solve real problems.

Emboldening of criminals: to cause harm when they are protected and encouraged by government agents.

Opportunists & imposters: have capitalized on ambiguities and lack of transparency to interject, exaggerate and inflate affiliations, and project false positions of trust to take or assume control, cause divisions and crisis and prepare scams.

Cascading distrust: inside and between institutions, partners and observers as the concerns of this program, overlap with and are also of multiple foreign concerns.

Truth and justice do matter, and even more when they become publicly challenged measures of what one stands or not stands for, as individuals, institutions, a system and a country.

Project Queue

The following are specific projects to be completed. All projects require integration and analysis of what is known with additional information that is needed but withheld or is inaccessible, and which require legal and investigative resources.

Assessing the current and future risks of harm.

Identifying articulable legal justification or authorities for specific actions that are prima facie criminal, unconstitutional and civil rights violations.

Identifying root causes of highly unusual and recurring challenges in management, collaboration and communication styles — unique to a mix of people or culture — resulting in harm and a scale that have not occurred elsewhere in the U.S. and history.

Identifying and understanding the rationale behind suppressing leads from the DOJ, FBI, and Seattle Police Department case of highest priority and intimidating potential sources of information.

Quantifying the waste in taxpayer dollars, resources and opportunity costs over years.

Documents Page

Big Pictures Page